im having a hard time deciding on a midpipe. please help


New Member
Apr 25, 2006
alright dont flame me, but i have purchased a magnapack catback and am tryin to decide on an offroad midpipe. i cant find a lot of sound clips. the ones on have helped but not enough. searching through google is a pain to find good ones. anyone who is willing to help me find some or has some clips i would be very appreciative. of your help.ll even repay you with clip of my own someday:D
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copmagnet said:
alright dont flame me, but i have purchased a magnapack catback and am tryin to decide on an offroad midpipe. i cant find a lot of sound clips. the ones on have helped but not enough. searching through google is a pain to find good ones. anyone who is willing to help me find some or has some clips i would be very appreciative. of your help.ll even repay you with clip of my own someday:D

Well I was going to refer you to mustangexhaust, but I guess that didn't help you lol. Just keep in mind H pipes will give you that "muscle car" sound will a X pipe is more NASCAR sounding. MAC off H pipes are pretty damn inexpensive...
Also, what are you reasons for the mid pipe?? Are you looking for most available power, or is sound more important to you?? X pipes generally make more power, but can sound more high-pitched or raspy...where as H pipes don't make quite as much power, but have a deeper more "hotrod" sound. It basically depends on what you're looking for as a package. Also keep in mind about headers, in case you were planning on doing them, they can change the way your exhaust sounds, and of course the power you're making.:nice:
yeh i understood the differences in sound, i was just having a problem with finding sound clips. i purchased the magnapack cat back and prochamber o/r X. i think ill enjoy it. thanks for the advice fellas :SNSign:
I'm also having a little trouble making this same decision. I ordered one from a website but it took three weeks for them to even tell me it was back ordered, so I cancelled the order. Now in doing a little more research, I've found the Mac Prochamber for $280, vs a Jegs for $140. Will the Prochamber really make that much of a difference?