installed eibachs, need alignment???

99 silvr35th

New Member
Jan 23, 2004
Long Island
I just installed the eibach pro kit on my 99gt, I assume I need an alignment. Is there a reference chart or some sort of info. as to the specs the alignment should be done at. Is there a way for me to check that it has been done correctly? And if anyone is located in Long Island is there a shop that you can refer? Thanks for your help...
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I have the pro kit as well and can tell by looking down the side of my car that it needs a slight camber adjustment, but can't find a shop that knows what the hell they are doing. So, I feel for you. Good Luck. I have been searching for a place to do this for almost 2 months. Let me know if you find anything out.
reeber said:
I have the pro kit as well and can tell by looking down the side of my car that it needs a slight camber adjustment, but can't find a shop that knows what the hell they are doing. So, I feel for you. Good Luck. I have been searching for a place to do this for almost 2 months. Let me know if you find anything out.
THEY dont know what they are doing or YOu need caster camber plates??