Is there any other choice besides hood pins to secure my hood?!


Founding Member
May 13, 2002
British Columbia
I really dont want to wreck the clean look I have of my car, I dunno im just not a big fan of hood pins. I dont have a super nice hood like Cervanis so I dont trust it 100%. It wobbles at high speeds on the corners of the hood.

I have the Mr Gasket hood pins in my room but I heard they dont help at all...and have read many horror stories about them.

Ive been looking at these, check out the vid on their site I think they look good...opinions

I came across these though they look alright?
They are expencive though...

Their site with the video.
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yea I like them but would perfer nothing, Im thinking of just getting some of those lanyards and rigging somthing up, attaching them to the hood then run them to a little padlock behind the pony or somthing??? also could re-enforce the latch part on my hood a bit more.
I am sure you could fab something that locks up front, under the hood, by the latch. Maybe a hidden hood pin or something.

Just to make sure if the latch fails yours will keep the hood in place.
yeah I saw those too I dont mind them but they look kinda cheap, they say there paintable but I dont think that would look right?

Im just thinkin of getting one of those lanyards, drilling two small holes in the hood by the latch then looping it below the hatch some how and keeping it closed with a little lock or somthing...