
Now everyone in the world will know I wanna bang t
Dec 6, 2004
Indianapolis, Indiana
Ok, I have been on these forums for a long while and recently it has come to my attention that there is a fad forming that really PISSES ME OFF!

YES, its those CHECK THIS OUT threads in which the poster says they have something to show us BUT THEY WILL POST PICS LATER...

DAMN IT people, there is NO reason to start a thread that needs pics if you dont already have them. HOLD YOUR DAMN HORSES and wait untill you have uploaded the pics before you even think about starting another one of these threads. All they do is waste peoples time and build anticipation for something that wasnt that great in the first place.

If I was a moderator... Oh man.. First Rule I would make

Those who start threads promising pictures later get the BAN
:ban: (of course, just for like three days so they can think about how crappy they are for doing such a thing. After that, third strike and its goodbye for good)

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timeless2 said:
Or we could ban the ones who rant about not seeing pictures... :p

Oh clever one are we? :rolleyes:

Lets think about that one.. ONE thread of a rant. that stops HUNDREDS of pointless threads in the future. I think you can agree with me on that one.

BTW did you change ur name or something?
poneypower89 said:
Oh clever one are we? :rolleyes:

Lets think about that one.. ONE thread of a rant. that stops HUNDREDS of pointless threads in the future. I think you can agree with me on that one.

BTW did you change ur name or something?
If you know me, you know I'm not being serious. :)

Oh, there are many more pointless threads ahead of the ones you describe which I would like to remove, but don't. It would be a full-time job.

Yes, I consolidated my names all over the 'Net.
How bout this timeless2.... Ill make you a deal.

If you ban everyone that has made a "pictureless check-this-out" thread in the past 30 days then I will sacrifice myself and take the 3-day ban too for making this rant thread??? Im willing to do it.. Ill even find the threads.
poneypower89 said:
How bout this timeless2.... Ill make you a deal.

If you ban everyone that has made a "pictureless check-this-out" thread in the past 30 days then I will sacrifice myself and take the 3-day ban too for making this rant thread??? Im willing to do it.. Ill even find the threads.
As much fun as it would be, I must respectfully decline.