Just Visited 5.0 Talk

Justin, I dont think Nick will be your new friend.
That pic is funny!

EDIT: I thought that was chopped (but see now that it isnt). Ok, that other thread was just weird.
HISSIN50 said:
Justin, I dont think Nick will be your new friend.
That pic is funny!

EDIT: I thought that was chopped (but see now that it isnt). Ok, that other thread was just weird.

Haha, yeah, I wasn't messin' with someones car that I don't even know. I've never even used photoshop, lol. I'll admit, I laughed constantly while reading that post.

..but at least its in one peice and runs, i dont have room to talk.

and last i heard, the possom succumed to somebody elses tires.
if he got pictures of THAT, i dont know.