looking for pictures of the plugs that go to the steering column

No info about your car's model year, EFI or carb, no mods listed. Makes it hard to troubleshoot when we don't know what you have.

Therefore, no clue as to which wiring diagram you need. The wiring changed several times between 79 & 95.

That's why it is a good idea to use the sig under the user control panel (User CP) option. It allows you to post your car year & mods, which help greatly when troubleshooting things. No, it is not there for us to snoop and see any "Secrets" you have hidden away under the hood. Be a good stangnetter and update you sig for future reference & don't keep us guessing.

What color are the wires, main color and tracer stripe?
the two wires are black with yellow stripe and orange with yellow stripe where in the column plugs do they go?

Did you get the wiring diagram set you requested via email? All the info you need is in there. There is a wire color to function chart that tells you what the wire does according to its color and stripe. Once you know that, it is simple to cross check and see where it goes.