Met the girl of my dreams today

this young'n does!

*hits shoe on head*

DOOOOODD .....that was my skull!!

if i remember correctly, doesn't he pass the math class??
I made the married prediction a ways back on this thread, I am wondering if I should make another soon.......

Go For It!
Andy and Heather got together; my daughter and that guy from the 5.0 and SVT Forums got together.....

Now if only you and Fritz could just get together with women that would put up with you........

(Hey, if I could do it you guys can...)

he's got a point, to find someone that will but up with something THAT ugly....

plus, i think I finally found someone to put up with about crazy!!!!
has to be said....

I could probably handle a "chunk"
but something large enough to cause this?

There are plenty of stories in the news of waste ice from airliners crashing through roofs. It's just plane crap....

Seriously, I don't think the engineers factored in urine-based projectiles as a possible threat to a prop's structure. it's a giant fiberglass wing, built at minimal thickness for weight savings. Although, someone should check for planes that have passed overhead....

"Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow." - Frank Zappa
"Young love" is so cute.

Wait till you have been married 10+ years, her Libido is no where to be found and you are wondering why you are constantly spending money on stupid sh&t you don't want / need without any to be had for things your really want.

Pretty sure if I posted pictures, etc of my wife on the net she would think I was trying to put a contract out on her.
Been married 25 years, 2-1/2months.... when's that supposed to happen?

Okay, that's not entirely true, we went through a couple of "rough spots"; when MrsStDr miscarried one between Trish and Jessie; when they had to remove some "female things" after Jessie was born...... but we recovered and Matt came along later.

Yeah, that $950 Kirby vacuum cleaner was a pain; but it's the stupid things that seem to work out - besides, it's great for pulling dead dog-hair off the pups and out of the truck carpets......

Nowadays, we're both 47 until Sue's birthday next month, and then I go back to being her boy-toy . We've already made plans to go to bed early tonight.....

And she's already told me she'll be "kinda glad" when my Rodeo is over after Valentine's Day.... "and you can get back to work on the Cougar".

So I'm gonna get back to work on the Cougar!
And that's not all. A good friend of mine (Commander of the Amer. Legion Post that sponsors Sue's Cub Pack) is talking about "getting back into" blackpowder shooting, and we've been ordering up some repair parts for his replica pistols. While poking through this stuff, I'm getting a little tickle and presently looking at a replica Remington New Army hand-cannon in .44 ball.
May have to make a run up to Cabela's in Phoenix and part with some cash for a "finished" version for Matt and I to start out using; and then grab .36 cal 1851 Navy kit from Dixe Gun Works to finish and assemble ourselves. Since Dan built Cobrask8 and even survived Turn 9; I'm thinking the Confederate "brass Navy" would be a fun project. Now if Summit, CJ Pony or West Coast Classic Cougars were to branch out and offer good deals on Pyrodex..........