Met the girl of my dreams today

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hahaaa!! so no pics then huh? must've been quite the ordeal!

hmm....well... that solves it.....concrete proof that women never stop acting soo strange...well....

there's nothing you and i can do about lets go get drunk! :cheers:

One friend built the rocket and we tried to launch it off of another friend's deck and out over the bay.......I say "tried" 'cause the damn thing stuck to the home-made launcher and just jetted first, second and third stages into the deck.:eek:

My old man heard the racket (we lived two doors down on the beach) and came out to see WTF was going on!!!:fuss:

Fortunately we did have the presence of mind to have an extinguisher handy, but I still caught hell for it!!!:chair:
One friend built the rocket and we tried to launch it off of another friend's deck and out over the bay.......I say "tried" 'cause the damn thing stuck to the home-made launcher and just jetted first, second and third stages into the deck.:eek:

My old man heard the racket (we lived two doors down on the beach) and came out to see WTF was going on!!!:fuss:

Fortunately we did have the presence of mind to have an extinguisher handy, but I still caught hell for it!!!:chair:

:rlaugh::rlaugh::rlaugh: :lol::banana: I love it...
but I'm working on this girl that I've know for a good while, we were on/off this summer..and I think it might work out.. :nice:

i know...



IMHO :jaw:


I'm sorry this didn't work out - she looked like "the pick of the litter" in that pic.
But you never know what they are thinking or how fickle - especially at that age.
Hang in there - something will happen when you least expect it.
this reminds me of one of my antics.......

One friend built the rocket and we tried to launch it off of another friend's deck and out over the bay.......I say "tried" 'cause the damn thing stuck to the home-made launcher and just jetted first, second and third stages into the deck.:eek:

This reminds me of a stunt we tried to pull in high school.
I built a home-made 3 stage rocket (using the Estes' engines)
We had marked off the distance from the town square down the boulevard to the high school and had calculated the distance so that the second and third stages would kick in at the Dairy Queen and the high school as the rocket went down the boulevard.
My friend built a "ramp" to launch the rocket (reminiscent of the Evel Keneival Snake River Canyon ramp, but only at a small scale) so that it would go from the edge of the town square toward the high school. The whole launch path was downhill, about a half mile straight stretch of wide 5 lane highway. The highway flattened out at some point, and we figured that the rocket would hit the ground at a decent trajectory angle so that it would "skip" and continue on its path to go past the school building about the time the last stage would kick in and the report would be seen and heard - just about the time the basketball game was over.

We all went to the basketball game, and left early so we could set up our contraption. We parked our cars a few block away and proceeded to the launch point. There were 4 of us - we had the ramp in two pieces that we could throw up quickly, and two of us were carrying the rocket and the batteries to launch it.
We waited on our fifth cohort who came by in his car with a bright spotlight (for fox hunting) and he hit the photosensors on the lights on the town on the square so it was dark for a minute or so.

We got the ramp in place and the launch was successful - but the rear fins on the rocket must have been slightly misaligned, because the rocket began a large spiral as it traveled down the boulevard, not really bad, but as it came around to begin the second "loop", it got closer to the road than it should have before the second stage kicked in and the thing stuck right in the grill of a '63 Rambler Classic headed up the hill by the Dairy Queen.

About that same time, the second stage and the next engine kicked in, and the man driving the Rambler thought his car was on fire and panicked, jumped out of the car and took cover in the ditch, leaving his car to roll slowly down the highway. Then the third stage kicked in and there was absolute chaos on the road. Luckily the abandoned car ran into the ditch when our makeshift charge went off, and somehow no one was hurt.

We rode by the scene two or three times to see what the police and fire department were doing, scared to death, but glad that no one got hurt. The police chief knew we probably had something to do with the whole thing - and he accosted us - but that is another story.

I will never forget this whole thing - it was one of our signature pranks in high school.
There will be no discussions of shopping carts traveling at 15 MPH, hitting a parking block and flyingf (wheels first) through the 8'x10' front window of a Baskin-Robbins and into an ice cream case!

Nor will there be any discussions of Kofa High School's football field west goal post mysteriously "falling over" (EDIT: And the grass around the metal base being burnt) the night before the 1979 Yuma-Kofa game.
Other than to say it probably wouldn't have happened (including sounds of a 390FE roaring through wasted glass-packs accompanying the 4-wheel-low "donuts" left in the middle of the field) if those rotten !@#$ers hadn't stolen the Yuma High Victory Bell; painted it red and white -Yuma Highs colors were blue and white- and chained it to said goalposts.
The likelihood of such larceny taking place would have even lessened somewhat with all these aggravating circumstances had the Kofa FFA teacher not called the senior Yuma FFA teacher and bragged about Kofa FFA members who were "...pretty doggone tired, but really happy for some reason."
Maybe even a little less of a possibility if said Kofa teacher hadn't made that call 5 minutes before said Yuma teacher went into his classroom and started that day's Senior Ag Mechanics class.
I'm just sayin'....

Anyway...... on the other subject: So Jon, -looking at that last picture- has the sweet young thing (she was here and gone so fast I can't even remember her name) mentioned anything to you that would indicate that she felt it would be a problem that she was sooooooo much taller than you???

Anyway...... on the other subject: So Jon, -looking at that last picture- has the sweet young thing (she was here and gone so fast I can't even remember her name) mentioned anything to you that would indicate that she felt it would be a problem that she was sooooooo much taller than you???


:lol: didn't seem to matter... :p in all actuality... its about the other way around...I"m about a full head taller than erika
:lol: didn't seem to matter... :p in all actuality... its about the other way around...I"m about a full head taller than erika

You wear KNEELING??? THAT'S what scared her off, you don't kneel, etc.....ON THE FIRST DATE!!!!:rlaugh::rlaugh::rlaugh:

Or maybe it's because you WEREN'T looking down thinking about what color thong she was wearing......:scratch: