Met the girl of my dreams today

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We forgot the camera this last weekend but i figure i would tell yall anyway what went down this weekend. Well Friday we went to another wedding and surprisingly it was a blast, they had an open bar, i think i had about 10 beers and 2 glasses champagne it was a fun. Then Saturday morning at about 7 we hit the road to meet up with some old friends from college at lake Wilson, they were meeting us with an RV so we could do some camping, fishing, and boating. Sleeping in the RV was almost as good as being at home. Sunday finally rolled around we all got up and did some more boating, and about 6 we started back to Wichita. We rolled in at around 8:30 I took her home and then we hit the showers. I picked her up at 9:30 for dinner at on the border. Then we went back to my apartment and watched a movie. Today after work i have to unload the truck, and clean the boats out, this is going to suck.

Weddings can be a lot of fun.