Met the girl of my dreams today


I may have fouind out a solution to your "pre-marital problems"!

I met a guy from this weekend who gave his girlfriend not only an engagement ring; but an engagement Cougar! So, all ya gotta do is go find Heather an engagement Mustang to go with that big rock on whichever finger she's presently carrying it - you'd be "in like Flynn"!

Okay, I didn't say it was an easy answer.....
Hey now....... the Mustang has driven further into my future. Just figured out that the replacement A/C - enviro-friendly HCFC-134a, new compressor (wasted bearings everywhere), new evap, drier, expansion valve, condensor (designed for -134a); and all the rest - is gonna run me about $2k if I do the install myself (which I'm gonna do, else it would be another $1000-1500).

But that's after getting the motor "done"; rebuilding the suspension, steering and brakes; but before (probably) the sheetmetal, paint and interior rebuilds.......

Is anything really ever "done"?
Ok now for your update. Heather started teaching school this week. I have been swamped with my adult masters classes. We went out for dinner last night to try out the restaurant that we are having cater the rehearsal dinner. Famous Daves BBQ. It was great. We have also been practicing our dance moves for our wedding dance. We are getting pretty darn good I will attach a video so yall can see what I am talking about. We talked to our photographer and he only has two opening for engagement pictures this year. April and October. We decided on October. So we will not be taking those for a while. We have started filling out a guest list, I have penciled in those that wanted penciled in from the forums. I will have to get addresses before too long so we can send out the save the dates. The mustang hasn’t moved in a while, It’s sad I only have gone thru one tank of gas this entire summer. BTW Also I forgot to mention that we were out eating last night with Heathers mom, she jokingly asked if I had any friends that might be single and around her age????? I told her that I know a couple guys that might fit the bill. Tonight we are watching movies and relaxing I might go pick up a bottle of wine or champagne on the way home from work, one of the teacher had a personal laptop that had a bad LCD, I replaced it and grabbed some spending money under the table in my personal time, can’t think of a better way to spend it.

Chepsk8 Congrats on getting the cobra on the track it looks better than ever. I still think you need to let me drive it! LoL
BTW Also I forgot to mention that we were out eating last night with Heathers mom, she jokingly asked if I had any friends that might be single and around her age????? I told her that I know a couple guys that might fit the bill.

Hmmm, and I am leaning towards going to the wedding. You have been teasing us about her, but have yet to reveal her identity. A Pic? Reveal her secret identity?

Sure, add me to the list of possible suitors! I'll prepare my resume'!!!!!

Chepsk8 Congrats on getting the cobra on the track it looks better than ever. I still think you need to let me drive it! LoL

Well, I will have the car in West Virginia in early October, and next year at a few racetracks. I'd be happy to let you drive it, but you're gonna have to come East.
I understand your pain, Andy - it wasn't until 2-1/2 years after we were married that I (actualy we) could afford a replacement for Mrs StDr's "inherited" (literally, as in it was part of her deceased father's estate) '76 Gremlin We were expecting our first child in July; and decided that a stripped-down Ohio AMC mini-car without A/C was not the way for a Mom to drive around in Tucson summers! When Tink first gave us an inkling of her "independence" (aka orneriness) by waiting until August; I was glad we did it - even if it was a Tempo. Hey, that thing had some 'nads for a front-drive 4-banger econobox! :sock:

Since my mind continually drifts off-topic; I gotta mention this wild idea that flitted through my mind as I read the interchange between Dan and you and Fritz.....
I've called Dan's FFR "Cobrask8" and "Crunchsk8" before..... how about Chepsnake"???
Next y'all be sayin that Chance is a Clydsedale!
chepsk8 said:
The official fuel of Lil' Abner Racing!
Nuthin but hi octane thar boys!