Might possibly buy a used C4 tranny...


I AM the random post master...bow down
May 3, 2003
Daytona Bch, FL
Guy I work with says he has a C4 tranny laying in his garage that he wants to get rid of. Hes not sure if it is a C4 or C6 tranny so I'm going to grab some serial numbers or something off of it and look it up. If its the C6 will I still be able to bolt it up to my car? If I can pick it up for like $150-$200 would I be doing good or is it not worth that much?
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If I were you, I'd use the c4. A c6 is designed for 351w, and bigger motors(thats what I've learned). A c4 doesn't suck up as much of your torque, as a c6 will. I have plenty of buddies that have built really fast cars, and all the autos were c4. A beefy c4 is good for a 9second car. Thats just my thought about a c4 versus a c6 :shrug:a c6 will bolt up just as easily as a c-4, but what really are the benefits? I'm curious myself ??:shrug:
Just got back form the guys house. I havent given him a price and I couldnt get any serial numbers off of the C4 because it was covered in mud. His dad said it IS a C4 tranny, 3 speed auto, out of a 1970's Ford F100. Are all C4's made the same? If so I'm going to offer him $50 and see what says.

Other tranny looks huge, guessing its the C6. It was clean and these are the numbers I was able to get off of it.

RF E3SF 7006
PKA AG30 168884 A2

Let me know if I should still go for that C4 if I can get it for under $______. (fill in the blank with a price) He said it was running when he took it off the truck, but it was covered in mud so I couldnt see anything on it.