Misha's Birthday Party...

Ok so all of you that are friends with Misha you are invited to celebrate her 33rd Birthday with her and all her friends. It will be this Saturday night, Dec 2nd begining around 7pm at her house, light refreshments will be provided and all we ask for is that you to bring a beverage. There will poker for all you poker nuts and good conversation. Please let either Misha or I know if you are able to attend and we can send our phone number if you need directions.

***Also it is in Vancouver so if you are worried about driving home after drinking don't worry Misha has plenty of room for you to crash, 4 can fit in her bed, but I guess after her and I are in there that only leaves room for 2 more ;-)

Hope to see you all there

~ Phaedra ~
"Misha has plenty of room for you to crash, 4 can fit in her bed, but I guess after her and I are in there that only leaves room for 2 more "

Ok, she's totally lying!! Phaedra will hog the bed!!! I know! Misha and I shared a twin bed/couch one night at Lake Merwin. (Oh, ya, and the way to Misha's heart is murmuring like a fan... ) LMAO

wicked93 said:
misha could you send me some directions I have this sat off have never been over to your place before or I could follow someone

4417 ne 143rd ave
vancouver wa 98682

I'm off of 205 and mill plain. Since its a far drive you can crash here. I have a double futon in the computer room and twin in my sons room and 2 couches 1 loveseat and 1 oversized chair, 2 cots ( yeah they suck huh girls).. and plenty of floors and sleeping bags... I guess my bed is all full now.. WAIT wheres eric gonna sleep? hummm just leaves the bathtub I guess...

Ohh yeah jess you Do know the way to my..... heart

ED HAPPY B-DAY.. I'd love to share my party with ya!!!
Thanks Misha That would be so Kool Im really looking forward to hanging out with you and the gang on your birthday
LOL Dont worry I dont take up much room lol I'll start practicing murmuring now and spend more time with my cat so he can show me how to fine tune my purring