mustang on wet road condition

Really hasn't happened that much with me. I have to be tearing around a corner before my traction starts to go. Try the Goodyears in my sig. GREAT for wet traction.
My car hardly ever grips from a stop in the rain. And it only fishtails when I want it to.

There's only been one incident where I almost lost it in the rain. But it was pouring so hard, there had to be like 3-4in. on the road, and my tires were close to needing replacing.
scion4LIFE said:


The only problems I've had is if i try to turn this one corner going onto the university campus in the rain, its about a 120 degree turn. You just have to go very very easy on the gas. Practice is all it takes.

Stopping is a different story. I was very close to rear ending a car in my old stang without ABS/Traction, so I made SURE that my new one had it!