my dyno numbers..any good???


Founding Member
Oct 2, 2001
wilmington, california
dynoed the stang at superior automotive engineering in anaheim, cali., this sat....

first pull------ 223.8 hp/ 283.7 tq
second pull-------225.5 hp/ 292.0 tq
shutting off at 4800rpm
mods are in sig

ohh yeah... i also had bad o2 sensors.....would i dyno better if i had good sensors?..thanks
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i have the print out chart....i wish i had pics of the chart but i dont....i dont know the exact reason why they shut off at 4800.... my rpm gauge is reading wrong.... the guy said that when his comp reached 4800rpm my gauge said 6000 rpms..... my oxygen sensors are causing my rpms to read higher... so my tach is off by like 1000 rpms
You may see more power at a lower timing mark. Most dyno's show that stock headed cars make the most power at 14*. You should play with the timing on the dyno to see if you can find a difference. Get those O2's replaced and go back and play with that timing.


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stang_gt_1994 said:
I made max HP at 4800 RPM with about the same mods. Anything past 4800 and you won't make any more power with a stock H/C/I. BTW 984.6gt, do you ever have anything nice to saw about our 302's> I guess not.

I have an aftermarket intake but Cam and Heads are stock and my Max output was just at about 5000 RPM so I agree w/ you on that one. never has anything positive to say when he comes over in the 5.0 section, hes just a 4.6 troll. Gee you would think that a 98 GT would beat a 95 5.0 but its pretty apparent that the 96-98 4.6 motors were very underpowerd.