My first garage!

I already mentioned this in the "V6 forums are dead" thread, but I am so pumped about it that I decided it deserves its own thread. Besides, now I have pictures. So I moved to a new apartment, and this one has an attached garage. It's kinda small, but big enough to open those big, long Mustang coupe doors on both sides at the same time and get out comfortably. I can walk all around it without touching anything easily. I can drive in to the garage, get out, and walk into my apartment. I'll be spending many an hour out there picking at the car with q-tips and toothbrushes this winter..
This is a really big deal for me because, some of you that have been on here a while may remember me about one year ago whining about some F'n kids at my old place vandalizing my car! and if I did what I wanted to do to them, then I'd be enjoying free Government housing for 30 to life with a new friend named Bubba. For your viewing pleasure I re-posted a picture I had up here a year ago; I had to go to Radio Shack and buy a security camera to catch them, but it worked! There is also a new picture from a few days ago, from my cell phone camera. The garage is a bit bigger than it looks in the photo. So anyway, now the car's out of the reach of neighbor kids and dive-bombing birds with bad cases of diarhhea! And that makes the world a better place.
i HATE birds who like to leave me presents on my car.. about a month ago i spent about three hours washing my car i finish, come out no more than 15 minutes later and i have three fat loads on the top and back windshield. not cool. garages are a good thing just dont leave ur car running when its in there....
V6muscle00 said:
garages are a good thing just dont leave ur car running when its in there....

Well, if life gets to be too much and I just can't take it anymore, OR if they convert the Mustang line to front-wheel-drive, Mazda-engined hybrids, then I can close the garage door, open up the car windows, take ten nyquil, fire up the engine and take a nice long nap!

oh by the way, I am totally kidding. I'm not suicidal. There are a few things in this life I have left to do, like scoring with miss october!

trock said:
I think i told you this back in V6 forums...but great job w/ the garage and apartments. BTW i remember readin about it, but what all did the neighbor bastards do to your car?

smeared plums from a tree all over it in the hot sun, so it dried to a sticky mess.. when I hosed it off I came out not 10 minutes later and they had done it again. Also one time I found nails under my wheels.. if I had backed up I would have had 4 flat tires. That's when I got the security camera, caught them on tape, and gave it to the apartment manager. I told her, underage kids or not, next time I catch them I'm calling the cops. They pretty much left it alone after that. So now I'm in a new place, in a garage, and all that stuff is in the past.
Wow i can only imagine how pissed off i would have been/ you were. good deal on gettin away. Garages are also nice on those rainy or snowy mornings when you used to have to run to the car. now you can wait until you get to where you are going to get cold/wet.
well.. i was inspired so much by ur thread i decided to clean out the garage here at my moms house. it just figures that the first time it rains here in nj since me cleaning out my garage is when im at my dads for the weekend.. o well
V6muscle00 said:
well.. i was inspired so much by ur thread i decided to clean out the garage here at my moms house. it just figures that the first time it rains here in nj since me cleaning out my garage is when im at my dads for the weekend.. o well

Wow I was surprised to see this old thread dragged up again.. I have since put up in my garage: 15 Mustang posters, 5 tin signs, 2 Mustang calendars, and one Mustang clock. I bought 2 fluorescent lights for overhead, and as soon as I can snag a power drill, I'll hang them up, then bring on winter. I'll have a dry, well-lit garage to pick over the car with a toothbrush!
lol thats quite a collection... ive only got a tennis ball hanging from my ceiling as well as some collected junk that has nowhere else to go other than the corners of the garage