My notes on Granada brakes


Founding Member
Jun 6, 2000
Las Vegas, NV

I am in the process of completing a granada brake swap for my 68' and have a couple of things to share..

My car is a '68 with power drums, I don't know if this applies to anything else.

I never found very much information for actually getting these things off, so here we go.
1.Make sure that car at the yard was very securely raised up.
2.Remove cotter pins from two ball joints and tie rod.
3.unbolt hose bracket from fenderwell, I simply cut the metal line as I did not want it.
4.remove nut from tie rod and beat it until it comes loose. again I did not use the old one or I would probably use a puller.
5.use deep 3/4 socket and breaker bar to remove two bolts for strut rod, underneath control arm.
6.I removed the end link from the sway bar, you may not need to.
7.loosen both balljoint nuts until they are hanging by a few threads.
8.beat upper balljoint until loose.
9.remove upper balljoint nut, and let assembly come down. now have easier access to lower balljoint. beat, repeatedly. you're free. I removed the rotors as the yard I was at charges for them, you might also remove the caliper as the cost might outweigh the core charge for rebuilt.
12.I cut the lines to the Prop. valve and unbolted. simple. Side note:the valve bolt in exactly the same as the distribution block in my car.

As soon as I finish installing I will write some more and post.
I welcome any comments.
