Need a timing pointer

I'm not sure, but I do know that the timing cover is different, so that may make a difference. If you're cheap like me, I just used a length of clotheshangar wire and its worked well so far!
The old part number is F1TZ-6023-A.

I bet a dealership could get a new one for you.

This is, if they are interchangeable. I can not see why they are not. I know the water pumps are different if I recall, but I don't see that interfering with anything.
And a second hand JT. Or is that too advanced, and we're still going by sun dials?

When I was in school, we used a sundial and abacus if anyone needs help using 'em.

Seriously, I dont know about the timing pointer. You could do your own as was suggested but getting it right-on could be tough (unless you have one to model from). They have to be available new out there (if not one of the blingy ones). A J/Y or classifieds is a good bet.

Good luck.