Need help with decision (Webers!!)


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
Santa Ana, CA
OK, I figured if I added the Webers! that would make you look. I need the collective opinion of the group here on what I should do.............Here is my problem.......

I have a 65 FB, GT 350 Clone, (see pic) I am in the process of rebuilding my 427w that I pulled out of my 89 Bronco (for you oldtimers that remember me...) I picked up a brand new set of 48 idf webers last year at a too-good-too-pass-up price. Here is the problem. The intake for the webers is for a 302. NO ONE makes a weber idf intake for a 351 block. They do make them for ida's but NOT for idf's.

So I have 2 choices.

Try to sell the idf setup for enough to purchase an ida setup. Could take a long time......

Go with a 4 barrel (almost not an option...)

Use intake adapters from PME (

So that is really what my question is.....take a look at the photo of the adapter and tell me.....just how cheesy does it look? Does the "Coolness" of the webers greatly out weigh the cheesyness of the adapters?

Or not?

Also, I will be having custom headers made (which are BEAUTIFUL, if you've never seen them.....) so that also will add to the "Bitcheness" of my engine compartment.... I just don't want to waste $$ and time if the general consensus is NOT to do it because it looks to funky..........

So what do you think?

Chris Barton
Can't contribute any tech to your post, but I was at a car show in Seattle last week and saw a 67 vert with Webers. All I can say is: drool.

I'd think that anyone looking under your hood wouldn't see the adaptor because they'd be too busy admiring the Webers.

BTW, the guy said that initial setup of the carbs is some work, but after that they were fine.
Ok, IMHO, the pictures on that site make it look like the adapters are a dark color, but they are, in fact, billet aluminum. Sooo, you could easily polish them to look very nice. Also, you could look at the adapters as a means to increase your runner length, which equals more low end torque IIRC.

I'd say go for the adapters!
How many people have seen webbers enough to know the difference between the 2 you mentioned OR that those adapter plates are not supposed to be part of a webber setup. I know I would never have a clue.
I agree with the others... The adapters won't be distracting. However, if you're concerned about it, there appears to be plenty of material on the adapters that you could "shape" them to make them integrate with the maniforld better. Radius the corners, to match the intake, then polish it all and it'll look pretty frickin' good I think. Just a thought.
What are IDF Webbers? I am not familiar with them. Do you have some pictures? I am very familiar with the 48 IDA Webber setup for the small block since I have a set on the Shelby so if you need any advice/help I will be more than happy to talk with you about all the good/bad things about running Webbers on the street.
Yeah, that had occured to me too, they are square on the ends and it wouldn't be that difficult to radius the corners to match the intake....I think that is what I will do......

Good comments, Thanks guys


They are Simular to ida's in looks, they are touted by most as being more "Streetable" than ida's. I will post a photo of them. The setup I got is from Pierce manifolds and is polished with chrome carb bodies and center pull linkage. I would have preferred a natural finish.....but I got them new for $2200 which is more than 1/2 off, so I can't complain. They don't have adjustable chokes or tubes like an Ida, all the adjustment is in the jets. I have the 48's.

I appreciate the offer of help. I have a guy who works for Redline Weber that is local and will tune them on the dyno for me at a very reasonable cost, but I would like hear your opinions. Email me your Phone # and I would like to chat for 5 minutes.


Chris Barton



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Pierce manifolds is a good place, that is where I have purchased parts for my setup over the years. The only part of the IDAs that make them questionable on the street is the progression circuit. It is kind of a idle or WOT kind of deal and will produce a stumble during street driving and slight throttle movements....punch it a little harder and it just goes though. There is a solution though, I am adding a 3rd progression hole to the idle circuit of each carb to bridge the gap and the problem will be solved.

I e-mailed you my phone number....and I am around right now if you would like to call.
Cbarton said:
Well, I know that Hogan sheet metal intakes run about $3300.....


But that's probably for a tunnel ram with all the tricks they do inside. Basically all you need is the valley cover and plates for the heads. Those spacer plates would probably work. A water crossover front (with provision for a thermostat) and rear and some stubby elbows to make the carbs stand up straight. Come to think of it, could they mount on a 45 degree angle? In other words, perpendicular to the head? They'd lean in and create some more room heightwise, but they may get into each other if they're too tall. I wouldn't imagine a intake would run more than about $600.