Newb Question: Surging?


Founding Member
Aug 21, 2002
Birmingham, AL
What exactly is Surging? ::puts on flame suit::

I've read about problems with surging, this causes surging, etc.. but haven't exactly found an explanation to what surging is.

Thanks in advance.

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Not trying to sound assish or anything but I said i had read about it but didn't see any explanations as to what it was.. I had already done a search on it to see if anyone had defined it but most of the threads have been "My car is surging" or something of the like.. ::sigh::

I do like your definition of it though, I have assumed it was the same thing, I'm just trying to find out, b/c that is what my car is doing and I'm trying to locate the cause.

I guess you could've tried the dictionary if ya just wanted a definition. :shrug:

Pronunciation: 's&rj
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): surged; surg·ing
Etymology: Middle French sourge-, stem of sourdre to rise, surge, from Latin surgere to go straight up, rise, from sub- up + regere to lead straight -- more at SUB-, RIGHT
Date: 1511
intransitive senses
1 : to rise and fall actively : TOSS <a ship surging in heavy seas>
2 : to rise and move in waves or billows : SWELL
3 : to slip around a windlass, capstan, or bitts -- used especially of a rope
4 : to rise suddenly to an excessive or abnormal value <the stock market surged to a record high>
5 : to move with a surge or in surges <felt the blood surging into his face -- Harry Hervey>
transitive senses : to let go or slacken gradually (as a rope)
:D :rlaugh: :nice: :flag: :banana: :owned:
:lol: Funny funny... basicaly what i needed to know.. My car will sit there at idle then raise up, then kick back down.. then raise up.. then it will kick back down.. sometimes it will do the opposite.. the idle will lower.. then kick back up.. then lower and kick back up... trying to figure out what is causing it... I'm going to do the normal remedies this weekend when i replace my intake plenum (putting a P&P one on) by cleaning the TB and IAC and see if that fixes things.. HOPEFULLY it will.

Hi all, I had the same problem on my 96 Cobra. I first tried replacing the IAC (SP?) but it didn't make a difference. I checked the throttle body and noticed it had a buildup of some sort (not sure if it was carbon, blow buy or what). Anyways I pulled it off and throughly cleaning it with gas. I pulled the blades of the TB so I could get off ALL of the buildup. After wards the car ran like a champ. My brother has an 89 5.0 which started surging a couple of weeks ago. Lo and behold his TB was dirty too. Cleaned it out and BAM, problem solved. Hope this helps.