noise with a 97 gt mustang


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
ist almost 3 years since i bought my mustang gt, everytime when a start the car , the sefty belt alert sounds, then it makes another sound(another alert), pi,pi,pi,pi,pi 3 seconds with no sound and repite again the same for five times.

a 5 secuence sounds, for five times with 3 seconds with out a sound between each secuance of 5 sound, what can it be. please help.

pi,pi,pi,pi,pi 3 seconds pi,pi,pi,pi,pi 3 seconds pi,pi,pi,pi,pi 3 seconds pi,pi,pi,pi,pi 3 seconds pi,pi,pi,pi,pi

also after driving like 40 minutes makes the same secuence noice again.
The switch that detects the seatbelt fastened condition must be broke. Try using the special sequence to permanently disable the fasten seatbelt chime and see if this fixes the problem.