Not another "which shifter" thread...

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srtthis, You have broken every one of those shifters?

Between my family and friends I have seen thousands of track passes. Only shifter breakage I have ever seen was my father breaking a hurst shift ball (it separated from the internal piece), and shortly after another friend doing the same.

Can't say I have seen a handle break, but maybe we aren't driving them hard enough? :D

Two comments on that...

1. I can't think of a humble way to say this... but after going through a few T5s in the early 90s, I've perfected the art of the powershift. I use our aluminum shifter with the aluminum handle and I've never broken one. So while it's clearly possible to break an aluminum handle, it doesn't take that much force to powershift properly.

2. srtthis posted wedding pics on another forum earlier this week... the first thing I thought of when I saw his pictures was "THAT'S how he broke those shifters!" Let's just say that my brotha srtthis ain't small! :D
Its great to be able to break any shifter you want. **** its like saying you can break any transmission you drive or blow up any engine, but you dont need to put that amount of stress on them. I know when i would do a spear form i could break the spear from the force of whipping it around, but it wouldnt get me anywhere, complete control comes from knowing your limits and being able to go there and back safely. That goes for anything, drag racing, road racing, drifting etc etc
When the 3rd synchro wnet in my TKO it bacame really easy to powershift and would grind every time i didnt double clutch it under regular driving. I dont think the transmission is his problem

Exactly, but Nik has already said he's not powershifting. I've had the same problem with synchros. I could bang the hell out of it and it'd go, but putting around town I had to double clutch or it would grind like crazy.

As far as clutch adjustment, I'm agreeing with disengagement at the top of the pedal. Drag cars, road cars, any racecar I've seen is set up this way so as not to waste time getting disengaged before shifting.

As far as shifters, I've got a triax on a t-5 and I'm not real impressed with it. The throw is half of stock, but it doesn't feel as slick as other stick cars I've driven. I think I got ruined on a T-56. The tko for the calypso is coming soon and I think it's getting an MGW.
Exactly, but Nik has already said he's not powershifting. I've had the same problem with synchros. I could bang the hell out of it and it'd go, but putting around town I had to double clutch or it would grind like crazy.

As far as clutch adjustment, I'm agreeing with disengagement at the top of the pedal. Drag cars, road cars, any racecar I've seen is set up this way so as not to waste time getting disengaged before shifting.

As far as shifters, I've got a triax on a t-5 and I'm not real impressed with it. The throw is half of stock, but it doesn't feel as slick as other stick cars I've driven. I think I got ruined on a T-56. The tko for the calypso is coming soon and I think it's getting an MGW.

I think the t56 shifts like dog ****. :shrug:
I think the t56 shifts like dog ****. :shrug:

I agree the t56 doesn't shift all that great. Its very notchy but it better then the tr6060 the gt500 has now

The two (camaro T56) that I've had both shifted better than any T5 I've ever had- and I've had over 10 of them..... So where does this logic come from? :shrug:
The two (camaro T56) that I've had both shifted better than any T5 I've ever had- and I've had over 10 of them..... So where does this logic come from? :shrug:

I assumed you were speaking in a mustang application. The trans in my 99 SS shifted great but every t56 in a mustang has shifted like dog doo. Notchy, difficult to get into gear above 6k, or if you bounce off the limiter.

But there is no comparison to the t56 to the shifting ability of a t5. When a t5 is nice and fresh they shift great, problem is they just dont handle any power. Tis why i chose a g-force trans. I want it to go into gear at 7200 without issue.
The Steeda Tri Ax shifter has gone through many tests and studies and we have determind that the 20% throw is ideal for the driver, the transmission and ultimately for not missing a gear.

Our shifter gives you the confidence that when you shift from 2nd to 3rd gear that you will hit the correct gear as opposed to having a gummy feeling and shifting back into 1st , into 5th, or just missing a shift.

Our shifter has crossed the finish line in first place more times than the competition and that is something we are proud of.

Its all a matter of personal preference. Just know that when you purchase from Steeda you get the satisfaction of having a shifter thoroughly tested on and off the track. Also with our technology transfer program with Ford Motor Company you know you are getting a well represented product.