A lot of good input, but in my opinion you dont want to do anything "Back Door" I prefer to be up front and personal. If it was me I would go to his work and get in his face, I mean nose-to-nose so that you are spitting on him as you are yelling. I have a few lines that have always worked in the past. Bottom line, I would inform him that if ANYTHING happens to your car in the future, whether it was him or not you are going to beat the $hit out of him, or worse... It only works if you show absolutely NO fear, and act like a crazy person.

Now since you say that he is a local restaurant owner, I personally find it hard to believe that it was him, but you would know better than me. At any rate I would confront him and let him know what happened.

As far as the police go, yes you can call them, and they may or may not take a report. However, if you do this and then later end up beating the $hit out of him who do you think the police are going to come looking for?

At any rate that sucks and I live in Northern California so you have one more person who would be willing to help... I had back door people who mess with others vehicles...
Actually you should call the cops, and assuming they probably wont do much about it, give them a tidbit of information that will get your case moved up to PRIORITY. Call them and say "hey this douche has been following/stalking me with his car and yadda yadda now my car was vandalized after he did it......." then add "and if it happens again, you won't be dealing with trying to find the vandal, you'll be trying to find that guys body" or something like that.

I don't remember exactly how this story went but...my dads coworker and wife were on their way to the lake I believe and some dumbass was driving crazy so they cut him off before they got on the offramp. At the top of the offramp was a red light and the guy came up behind his car and kicked it and stuff then proceeded to walk up to his window. My dads coworker rolled the window down and the guy grabbed his shirt and started yelling at him, so he decked the guy right in the face, then called the police department and reported that this guy was kicking his car and such. They told him it might be a little while before an officer would be able to reach them for some reason or another so my dads coworker said "oh no hurry, I already shot the guy". He said a cop was on the scene within 5 minutes.

Moral of the story: If the police don't feel it's a priority case, give them something to make it a priority case, even if it's a stretch of the truth.