Oil from tailpipe..


New Member
Oct 17, 2003
I did a post a couple of days ago about smelling like something is burning when I get out of my car after driving it. It's still happening. Not too sure about this, but I put my finger in my tailpipe and and it was black and wet. What does this mean? Oil going through the exhaust??? When I bring my car into Ford I want to have an idea of what to tell them so that they can't say "we don't know what that smell is or where it's coming from"
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You could buy a honda or something.... :notnice: Just kiddin' mayne. Hopefully it's nothing major like a blown engine. Don't stereotype all Ford's as bad, every make has their share of POS.
My 2000 has about 55000 on the odometer and if I drive around for a while with the RPM's high or stomp on it to redline through a couple of gears mine smells like burning oil. Is this normal or not? If not, why might it be doing this?
I would still put my money on break in, I remember both my new fords smelling like that.

first my 2000 GT, and I remember my 02 exploder had that smell when it was new. Of course both of those had a 4.6 in it too so maybe it's just the engine, but everything is running like a top now...no smells.