oil leak with my vortech?


New Member
Aug 29, 2003
i noticed im constantly leaking oil. when i look under the car at the supercharger, i see oil drops coming from all sorts of places from the engine thats under the supercharger and the supercharger unit itself. i know my oil feed line was leaking but i tightened that up. im afraid maybe some of the bolts holding the supercharger together may be loose and oil is seeping. this is just what i THINK. i still have to take it off to see for sure. is there another reason oil could be coming from the supercharger? or maybe around it somewhere?
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there could be a problem with the supercharger, but i think it is more likely to be from the oil feed line. if the blower itself were leaking, you'd probably see some oil residue on the blower.
It's most likely the oil feed line. Mine leaked too. If you put your finger where it connects to the blower, I bet you'll find that its wet. I tried tightening it too, but it still leaked.

One option would be to remove it and replace the brass washer/fittings. Vortech sells an upgraded version of the oil feed line, with stainless steel hosing. Out of laziness, I bought one of these kits instead of hunting around the hardware store for the right fittings.

Worked fine, and hasn't leaked since.
well, yes, the oil feed is wet with oil. but i dont see how oil couldve gotten to some of the places i see. i see some oil on the other side of the supercharger mounting bracket of the oil feed fitting... i mean i see oil on places sorta away from the oil feed. i dont know, maybe its just splashing around
well, yes, the oil feed is wet with oil. but i dont see how oil couldve gotten to some of the places i see. i see some oil on the other side of the supercharger mounting bracket of the oil feed fitting... i mean i see oil on places sorta away from the oil feed. i dont know, maybe its just splashing around
yes, my cousin had a similar problem on his blower C4. his was a mess. the oil was squirting enough near the connection to the blower to get around enough to the point where the belt and fan just had a field day with it.... nasty.
It also could be the seal around your casing, I had a similar problem which my oil line did have a slight leak fixed it but still had small amounts of oil so I took supercharger off and noticed it was the case seal, after time of the supercharger heating up and cooling off the seals just dont last forever, but don't look for vortech to sell you any seals or bearings they want you to send the unit to them for new seals or bearings. You will have to shop around for someone to make you a seal, its a type of o ring seal on the casing if this is what is your problem
i think i figured it out. i think its just the oil feed and its going down the hose and since my hose is touching the bracket, its leaking down the bracket to other places. for those whole oil feel was leaking, what was the broke part? the oil feed nozzle, 45 degree flare fitting or the hose? im thinking maybe ill just order all three. anyone know how much the hose is?