Opinions on Cobra Emblems

Y would you want to anyway i say leave the stock badges and then it would be a true sleeper if you have a cobra engine in a gt no one ever know as long as you didn't open your hood, so when you roll up to ls1's and smoke em they will just give u a look like wtf just happened. SLEEPER!!!!
I say do what you want and who cares what other people say. If they don't like it so what they aren't driving it. everyone has there own taste and what makes my our opinion superior to others. To each their own. I do to my car what makes me happy if all you do is care what other people think about your car then what fun is that. Why spend all your time trying to impress someone else. Just my 2 cents.
If you want to do it, do it. I wouldn't do it myself, because it's not my thing. That's what ricers do. I thought about stripping all the emblems off my car. But if you put in a Cobra motor and want to put on the badges, it's your car. Do what makes you happy
What if you put it into a V6? Is it still a V6?

I'd still say No! Although a big part of it is the engine, there are other things that make a Cobra a Cobra and not a V6 or GT: tranny, IRS, brakes, hood, front bumper etc and subtle things like white faced gauges. IMO, a GT is born a GT and stays a GT. Transforming it into a complete Cobra (as I've seen some do) makes no sense to me and seems like a waste of money -- just buy a damn Cobra. The great things about our cars is the interchangeability between models and I'm a big fan of sleepers. If my 2V went belly up I'd certainly replace it with a 4V.

Hey, it's your car and this is America. Do what you want.

Oh yea...check out the Mustang Man Laws thread.

I commented on that. I believe the Emblem also represents what you have under the hood. In a way its less of a crime because you do have the motor to back it up.
I say do whatever you want, its your car and no one has the right to tell you what you can and can not do with your own car. I think what bugs me the most about this topic is people throw a fit over it, but come on people its a piece of plastic made to look like a snake. Also one more thing, you all need to remember that snake came from the shelbys of the 60's, so original shelby owners could say that its not right that svt cobra's which are not shelbys shouldnt have that emblem. So i say stop giving people a hard time over this topic once and for all.

+1 .............I agree!
I say do whatever you want. But to the average Mustang owner, we will probably see your car and ask why there is a cobra badge on your GT, then laugh at you without knowing whats under the hood.

Cobra emblem to most people = legit cobra. Cobra emblem on anything else = donkey driving the car
Cobra emblem to most people = why does that guy have a snake on his car, that's retarded

I have seen people in minivans and such, on more that one occaison, point and laugh with their kids at my badges.

Its kinds like having the Road Runner on your fender, 99.9% of people are going to be laughing at you...

IMHO the pony with the red, white, and blue bars is THE BEST badge of all.

Forget about the snakes, if you are not a car guy they are laughable.