Pics of roasted clutch!!!!

You showed me yours so it's only right I get to show you mine.

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super troops

had to join in on super troopers fun

Mac: But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun!
Thorny: (referring to Farva) Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic.
Foster: (after a pause) Which... makes them not really shenanigans at all.
Mac: (in a silly voice) Evil shenanigans!

College Boy
You must have eaten, like, a hundred bucks worth of pot, and, like, 30 bucks worth of shrooms man.

Dimpus Burger Guy (into the microphone)
Double bacon cheeseburger.

It's for a cop.

Police Chief Grady
I'm sorry about that delousing. Just standard procedure.

Police Chief Grady
Desperation is a stinky cologne.

Just cleaning out the old locker, she stinks like ass but I'll sure miss her... I guess you could say that about all my girls.

If you were my wife, I'd massage your feet 'til you fell asleep.

Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?

You know, Farva, only you can make a dark man blush.

College Boy 2: No, man, I'm just saying... I'm sayin', if-if you own beachfront property, right, do you own, like, the sand and the water?
College Boy 3: Nobody owns the water. God owns -- it's God's water.

Your mother should've swallowed you, Rando!

It stinks like sex in here.

Littering and... littering and... littering, and smoking the reefer. And as punishment, we're gonna watch you guys smoke the WHOLE bag...
Thief! You stole that from some good quotes though.. Def a fav movie!