Pine sap


Active Member
Jan 12, 2021
Zanesville Ohio
I have big gobs of pine sap on the paint. A storm came through and blew that sticky mess all over the property, and Indian Outlaw was in the line of splatter.
Do I need some kind of special solvent, or is there something house-hold I can use?
Don't forget to wash and wax after.

Side story: Many years ago I had a car that had a huge glop on it that hardened. Nothing took it off. One day as I was washing it, I got the brilliant idea to try breaking it apart. I took my key and pushed down on the center of it and as soon as it gave way I let up. Much to my surprise, it actually worked. I had the mental picture of it breaking and my key sinking into the paint like a rock chip, but I figured that was better than the quarter sized white hazed sap glob.
I like the chain saw idea on paper, but this thing is HUGE!!! I can't get my arms half way around it. If it ever fell, it could wipe out 2 of the neighbor's houses. Seriously! Plus there's all kinds of power, phone and cable lines running every which way around it. I got prices form a couple different tree services to just top the thing, and we would handle the disposal/cleanup ourselves and it was still going to be over $1000!!!

I did try the GooGone. It got most of it.
A little heat will help also, goobegone and some heat, if you have a spare car towel will be easier on the paint than the paper. Don’t scrape tho, imagine it’s like the candy, and the towel with gbg will be like the lick it off in layers.