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Ah, thats just a fun project. Haha, glad you got it back, that guy should be in jail for a little bit, he has quite a record. You just gotta start going to some mustang meets, meet some guys, and have them come over and help you, you know they will, just bring pictures. Start talking, tell them your story, and be like look I even have pictures, and pull out a camera or phone and show em.

It scares tha POOP outta me! But I am suckin' it up and diving in!! It'll be a great experience because I have the opportunity to learn a whole BUNCH!

Yeah he does... He will be lucky if he doesn't go away for life because they have the 3 strikes rule. He totally did it to himself... guess some people just never learn. **shrugs**

I have been... I hang out with those guys as often as I can... they are also a TON of fun!! I just can't wait to run around on their little "fun missions"... like this weekend, they are going down to Homestead to race each other at the track! I just wish I found these folks BEFORE the car was boosted! Because I would never EVER have had a boring weekend!!
best to do everything aftermarket from the ground up now, will be alot easier that way

I am going to do quite a few things aftermarket but I can't do EVERYTHING. I wish I could but, I just won't be able to do it financially. I already bought solid motormounts; I am going to hook up the suspension (because there isn't much left of it anyway) with Ford Racing springs, shocks, I am going with an aluminum drive shaft, I am mulling over getting a new exhaust, of course... K-Member, I am thinking about getting an entirely new engine from Mustang Resto, shifter, and I will have to get brake calipers all the way around... so might as well hook THAT up new too!! Man, that's a lot!! Also, I was told I could buy a brand new air conditioning system for $700.00. Not sure if I am going to do that or not yet. We'll see!

I still have to make a list of exactly everything I need. Unfortunately, I have been jerked around by a few people for the last few weeks. This weekend I have asked a really reliable person... I should have asked him from the get go! Hind sight is 20/20 I guess! :shrug:
i don't quite understand your question,but

The aftermarket k member should have identical spots for the motor mounts, all it does is lighten up the the front end becuase its tubular.

I was just a bit confused on how it all fits in there... just goes to show you just how little I know about all this. I think I am all straigtened out now... I don't have it ANYWAY so I might as well go for it!!think!

I saw a couple of kits that were like $1,500 and almost had a heart attack!

Also, another question... X-pipe or H-Pipe?? I had an off road X-pipe on there and it was great!! What EXACTLY is the difference?? Which is better??

SO many things!! **faints**
Just thinking out loud here and please dont get upset. But it would be cheaper to buy another car and transfer the stuff over to yours or just scrap the orange one. Thats going to be a hell of a lot of work to put it back together from scratch.
Just thinking out loud here and please dont get upset. But it would be cheaper to buy another car and transfer the stuff over to yours or just scrap the orange one. Thats going to be a hell of a lot of work to put it back together from scratch.

Nah... I won't get upset because you are probably right! AND I thought exactly that when I first saw the car... but the local Mustangs guys are going to help me do this. I can absolutely cut bait and trash the car... but will I feel better in a new car or bringing this one back?? If I get another Fox, how long will it last me before it blows up?? That is IF I can find one that isn't abused to high heaven and/or one that isn't a KA JILLION dollars!! Also, in the process, I get to learn something I have always wanted to! I mean... how many girls do you know would take on something like this??

The car DOES mean quite a lot to me... and there will be nothing better in the world than to bring it back!! I will have a smile from ear to ear till the day I DIE!! She's gonna be a little Frankenstein, but it is going to be well worth it when it's done!! I can hear the rumbling at idle now... with all the new parts I am purchasing for it, it'll be better than it was before it was taken! GO FIGURE!!

It was a beautiful piece of machinery... and doesn't deserve to go to the shredder because of some a-hole. I am also not the type to just tuck tail and run. I am going to brush my shoulders off and give it the best I can!! There are PLENTY of crashed Mustangs out there for me to put it together. Why let all those parts just sit there to rust away?!?! Put 'em to good use!! In essence, I am reducing, reusing, and recycling!! :nice:

If several months down the road, I am beat down, then I will eventually give up... but I got a LOT more fight in me! I also have a TON of people pushing me, standing behind me... telling me I can do it!! I believe in them AND I believe in myself! ;)

I am a Chikin and I approve this message... :flag:
cool orange

Man i wish i could help ya put it back together this has been an interesting thread and it would be so rewarding to see it all restored.I live diagonally opposite continentally tho :(.Id have to agree with Shawn about a donor car,that way youd have parts, attaching hardware and a reference to where stuff goes.Ive seen alot of GT's and LX's selling for under 3k on Craigs list.4 bangers for 500 bucks.Then upgrades could be done as time and $$ permit.Well i dont wanna be like im telling you what to do tho....either way itd be cool to see ya ina Mustang that your happy with, your resto'd notch or a new one.
Im going to convert my 93, 2.3L to a 5.OL GT when im done my 89LX project, i gotta post some pics sometime to dangit.. but i dont know how- lolZ- ack ive been to lazy to check out how.
anyways GL :)
Man i wish i could help ya put it back together this has been an interesting thread and it would be so rewarding to see it all restored.I live diagonally opposite continentally tho :(.Id have to agree with Shawn about a donor car,that way youd have parts, attaching hardware and a reference to where stuff goes.Ive seen alot of GT's and LX's selling for under 3k on Craigs list.4 bangers for 500 bucks.Then upgrades could be done as time and $$ permit.Well i dont wanna be like im telling you what to do tho....either way itd be cool to see ya ina Mustang that your happy with, your resto'd notch or a new one.
Im going to convert my 93, 2.3L to a 5.OL GT when im done my 89LX project, i gotta post some pics sometime to dangit.. but i dont know how- lolZ- ack ive been to lazy to check out how.
anyways GL :)

That's really nice of you... So many people have offered their help and time... it's really awesome!

I thought about that for sure... because I saw a crashed hatch not even 2 weeks before the car was found. All that was required was to haul it away! It's a shame because the car could be fixed if the owner had cared enough about it. :nonono: SO I know they are out there!! However, there is a Mustang junk yard down here in Miami... and yes, it's NOTHING BUT MUSTANGS!! So I have over an acre or so of parts! The guy is so cool, that he will probably show me what I need to do!!

See, that is another reason why I want to bring this one back because it is an ORIGINAL 5.0! SO many people have converted 4 cyl... this one is the REAL DEAL!! I can't tell you how many time people have asked me if it was a "real 5.0"!! My answer always was: "You mean there are fake 5.0s out there?!?! LOL!! It would be a tragedy to send this one into oblivion because the body is perfect! A few mechanical parts, a new interior, a new trunk pan welded in, and she is good to GO!! Right back to doing the "cha cha cha" like she was born to do!! ;)

After weeks of being flaked out on by three people, several weeks of being sick, Funerals... you NAME it; I FINALLY got someone to help me compile a list of things that I need:

Upper and Lower rear control arms (I am going to buy these new)
Springs (I am going to upgrade to Ford Racing Springs)
Injector Harness
Fuel Line Adaptors
Fuel lines (I am going to get new braided ones from Summit)
Brake lines
AC Equipment
Sub-frame connectors
Transmission Mount (I am going to try and buy this new)
Shifter (probably going to upgrade)
Cross member
Rubber Oscilators
drive belt system
Clutch (going to buy this new from Steeda)
clutch adjuster (going to buy this from Steeda when I buy the Clutch)
water pump (buying new)
vaccum lines
radiator (upgrading to aluminum)
condensor lines
alternator (buying new)
weather stripping

I know for a fact this can't possibly be everything but it is a start!! If anyone can think of anything else, PLEASE let me know. It will save me a huge headache later... because probably won't know for sure till it is being put together. Since being in a situation where I am missing a whole bunch of stuff is not where I want to be when it comes to the nitty gritty... please hook me up!! Need the INFO!!

I decided to buy a 5.0 engine complete from 50 Resto... because all I have is an empty block. It will cost me about the same as if I were to buy all the parts for it than if I were to just to plunk one in there already ready to go!! Not to mention I would have to get someone put it together!! Forget it!! Since I was happy with it stock, seems the best and most efficient way to go! I also have two brand new... BEAUTIFUL heads (thank you stupid car thief) so I am already ahead of the game!

So please... if anyone has any more advice or ideas they can toss my way, it would be MUCH appreciated!! Just with it merely being written down, I can start buying, calling junk yards, etc.! I can't tell you how many times I have been asked "what do you need?" and all I can say is "Ummmm... I dunno". Now I can say "this... and this... and this... OH and this..." FINALLY!!
Glad to hear you got your car back. The dude that stole it is going to have an easier time taking a dump after bubba is done with him. I got some heads I'll donate. Nothing special just some E7's. What you also can do is get an exploder motor
i gots an old but (i think still good) alt if ya want to pay shiping you can have it. Let me know and ill take it to the local auto electric and have it checked out. send me a pm cause i may miss it in the thread.
what really kinda chafes me about this whole thing is that this dood is going to do time, probably have some fines to pay to the state/county/ where ever but chikin wont get squat in terms of help from him to put her car back to right. Scumbag should be whipped with a saltwater soaked cain then made to help rebuild the car.