Glad to hear you got your car back. The dude that stole it is going to have an easier time taking a dump after bubba is done with him. I got some heads I'll donate. Nothing special just some E7's. What you also can do is get an exploder motor

LOL!! Indeed!!

Thank you but, I actually have a nice, beautiful new heads... Ported, polished... PURTY! THANK YOU Mr. car thief!!

He's actually going to PRISON for a LOOOONG time! **shakes head** See for me, it just doesn't seem worth it. But guess it was for him! **shrugs** Also, he is going to be stuck paying me back... it's probably going to take decades but, he will have to do it!!

So but yeah... that would be a fitting punishment because I need the get the rear end back in the thing so I can at least have a rolling chassis!!

Thanks for the Alt... that I am going to buy new because I had a problem with the alternator/battery for a while. What finally solved it was new battery, new alternator. So yeah... I don't wanna have to go through that mess again. So I will fork out a little extra for a brand new one.
Sentimental value or not, I woulda sent that thing to be crushed after I got it back...

That would be the worst thing I could possibly do. It isn't THAT bad that it cannot be put back together. I have had several people tell me that... so there is HOPE. If it was crashed, and in the same condition, then I would agree with you. The worst thing about it is the trunk needs to be re-welded. The rest is all parts. I have all the body panels, the frame is straight, what else do ya need??
agreed my other car had waaaay more sentimental value, it was my first mustang and it was manufactured on my birthday exactly 06/03/88 but even that didnt stop me from making an intelligent choice of getting a different roller

All I need to make it a roller is springs and upper and lower control arms. I have the rear end. SO with less than $500.00 it is back on it's own feet. Also, TONS of folks are cutting me discounts, hooking me up, you NAME it!! I am very blessed! I ALSO will be slapping a K-Member in there, doing a full suspension upgrade, getting a BRAND NEW engine, I already have a set of beautiful alum heads... SO if ya thing about it, I am already on my way. I just need the extra cash.. which I am working on.

Yeah, I could do that... I could walk away and start over again... but that would be too easy. Then I would be doing the same upgrades and who knows how long the engine on the next car would last me. This will be one GREAT experience for me... it's a total cliche but nothing worth while is ever easy. When it is done, the car is going to be SMOKIN! AND it will have 0 Miles!!
i don't expect your car to be running for atleast a year unless you have mutiple people devoting tons of time to your car and even then it won't ever be the same. i would feel like my baby got molested.

Fortunately, there ARE multiple people. So I don't think it'll take that long. Only time will tell!!

Also, if the parts are there, it won't take long at all. Back in the day... my Dad and his friend used to tear apart cars (new engine, new rear end, new transmission) and put them back together in one night... so I know it can be done. It just takes someone that knows that they are doing.

I gotta try... that's all I have left man!! I do feel like that... but I also feel that bringing it back better than it was before it was taken, will be the GREATEST feeling in the world!! I know for sure the first time I start it up, I am going to have a smile from EAR to EAR!! You are right, it won't be the same... it's gonna be NICER, so it will make all of this baloney absoultely WORTH IT! If it all goes down the drain, then at least I tried... I won't be sitting there when I am 90 crapping my pants wondering "what if" because I will know.

Through this whole experience, I have made some REALLY wonderful friends. I have a whole club of folks PUSHING me forward; encouraging me, telling me I can do it... and I BELIEVE.