rear upper control arms

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Definitely replace the bushings on the rear end housing! Maximum Motorsports sells a tool to do it or else I believe jricher has instructions on how to make one. I used the MM tool and it wasn't too difficult and made a huge difference. Take the time and do it right!
Wel, yes and no. Will they fit? yes. Are they the best thing for your rear suspension? possibly not. If you are going to run some good LCAs and want to prevnt as much binding in the rear as possible then you want to run all rubber bushings in the upper arm mounting points. My suggestion, and what I personally run, is some MM LCAs (poly on the body and spherical on the rear) and then FMS upper arms (rubber on the body and rubber on the rear). MM sells the Ford OEM bushings for the rear housing. I would just go there and get the FMS upper arms and the rubber bushings for the rear housing. Good luck.
I am using pro3i adjustable LCA and I think I am going to do what you said and get the FMS upper control arms with rubber bushings. I also read somewhere that rubber upper is the way to go. thanks for the info.