restarting computer procedure

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I'm assuming all you want to do is clear all tables in the ECC. This is what I do when I'm in a hurry and don't feel like for waiting 20 minutes for the system to clear itself:

Step 1
Disconnect the negative and positive battery leads.

Step 2
Make sure the two leads are cleared away from the poles on the battery.

Step 3
Using a metal screw driver, touch the two "leads" together. By doing this, it immediately grounds the system.

Step 4
Reconnect the positive and negative leads making sure they're good and tight.

Step 5
Clear your work area.

Step 6
Finally, start the car. Be prepared because it's going to stumble or it may even die once or twice until the computer learns what's going on, especially on h/c/i engines. The best thing to do is just keep your foot on the gas for 5 to 10 seconds at 1200rpm until it melows out.

Good luck!