Sequential Turn Signals

another mis-understanding.

Anyone else ever hear this one; My neighbor thought that the lights sequenced as I pressed harder on the brake pedal, so he backs off as soon as the second (center) bulb lights thinking I'm about to lock 'em up.

To me it's not about and never has been about the liability issue, because the center mounted stop light still works as it always has. I just don't care for the look is all.
Anyone else ever hear this one; My neighbor thought that the lights sequenced as I pressed harder on the brake pedal, so he backs off as soon as the second (center) bulb lights thinking I'm about to lock 'em up.

Lol have you told him that isn't the way they work?

I know I wouldn't, I would love to hit my brakes just to see his face when they all come on and he locks 'em up behind me
One of the things I like about the brake lights with the CDC sequentials is that all 3 lights light up and stay lit. Ford put a bulb there...let's use the damn thing With the factory brake lights, only the middle and outside lights light.

As you depress the brake pedal, the lights sequence one time and then stay fully lit as the factory ones do. This happens in less than a second as well so i don't see any safey issues whatsoever.
New Truck/Trailer signals

While driving on I55 from Chicago yesterday I noticed at least 2 tractor-trailer trucks with led signals, where one of the siginal units strobed for the first blink while the others flashed as normal. This is a real attention getter and not a lot different than a sequential set up on a 'stang.

This is the first time I have noticed this, though I'm usually the one doing the passing Traffic was very congested and moving slow, with trucks changing lanes all over the place.
sue me LOL. thats why i have insurance. If you are paying attention and you see right and left side rear lights come on that means i am about to stop. it only takes like two or three seconds for all the lights to come steady. plus if you rear end me its probably because you are tail gating me so back off and get off the cell phone. Idiot!
Yes, it is true that in some states altering the turn signals could lend you at fault but like anything in this great legal system of ours, the burden of proof would be on them.

Any jury with a halfway decent mind would toss that arguement right out on its ass....These lights come on just as fast as any other. i've been in more than my share of close cut offs and had to hard brake for some douche ahead of me and no one has hit me yet...I can see them reacting to my brakes just as instantly as any other car....
Try not to speak

I've yet to see a vid of the ones in action whereas there is no delay. Those with the delay, good luck, not worth the risk. Messing with the brake lights is a no no.

I have noticed you make a LOT of bold statements and its obvious you dont have a clue of what your talking about. As allready stated, you dont have a set of CDC's. If you did, you would know what your talking about here. And what's with the negitive waves?

Stop talking and start saying something