Shaved antenna?

Apr 14, 2003
If I were to get my antenna shaved, how would I still get radio reception? Has anyone found a way to make it like the C5 where it's hidden or put an electric one on the back of the car? Mines getting painted tomorrow and I may have them do this too.
yeah you could still get radio reception i am shaving mine i haved all the emblems off and the antenna was next i will do it next weekend prob. depending on weather but it gives the vehicle a NICE CLEAN look...Do it be different...If your car can pick up stations by a 9.99 antenna booster from radio shack...mine worked while it was hidden in the fender...You have to bolt it up in the fender though...
you would hook the booster in the backof the stereo...It will pick up FM stations and extra 100 miles away but since you put the antenna in the fender then you would realley eliminate that 100mile has a on and off button who knows u may bot need the Fm booster i dont...Post some pics when ur done....My Antenna is the next thing to get shaved then the door handles and i am done with the body work...oh yeah the Y2K R body kit also
Isn't there an antenna that goes on your windshield, like a sticker? I remember a friend telling me about something like that. I know the porshce's have then inside the windshield. Just wondering if anyone knew if there was a similar product for our cars.
i dont mean to thread jack but i just had to say this,satin silver i grew up in buzzards bay. only reason i am saying this is becuase i saw that you were in sagamore.boy havent been back in about 14 years. again sorry for thread jacking

I was about to post this suggestion myself. I've never seen one for our cars myself, but I would imagine someone makes one. A friend of mine had a 1977 or so Cutlass Supreme that had one, I always liked the idea.