Whats up guys. I am a new member of the board. Anyways, I was sick of all the noise and vibration coming from my Pro 5.0 so I created a new product that will help cut down on this gear whine noise and vibration that alot of people complain about. These gaskets will remove the need to use messy RTV silicon when installing your shifter. Instead of putting a bead of the silicon down, you simply lay these pre-cut gasket over the base of the transmission and then install your shifter. I am also including gaskets for the shifter handle as well. The shifter handle gaskets will also help cut down on vibration. The gaskets will in no way interfere with the proper functioning of your aftermarket shifter. I have gaskets for the T5/T45, T56, and TR3650 transmission. They will work regardless of what aftermarket shifter you have. i.e. Pro 5.0, Tri-Ax, etc, etc. I am selling these for $12 shipped to your door. I accept paypal @ [email protected] If you would like to pay with another form of payment please email me and we can work something out. Also email me if you have any questions. Here are some pics....