Should I be worried?


New Member
Mar 25, 2004
Alright, I know I already posted about this, but it's doing it again (I think). I dropped my cousin off today and traveled for a good 15 mins there 15 mins back doing about 70 the whole way. I came home and checked my gear box (around the gasket and whatnot) and there seems to be SOME oil, not drips but there is oil around the gasket. The front pinion is ok and that's where my first leak was, but that one was to the point where it was b/c of my breather. Does anyone else get this oil around your gasket after getting the gear box really hot? Please help out guys I'm paranoid and I'm getting a blower put on in 4 days. Thanks a lot guys.
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Yea, I'm sure. If I take it back to the guy - this would be the 3rd time. Now, it's not a gushing leak where I wakeup each morning to oil spots on the ground. Nothing like that, it's just when I run it for a while there's a little oil around the gasket. If anyone has checked this at all on their stang please come forward. I want to make sure everything is near 100% before I slap the blower on and Wed. is the day I have an appointment. I thought the problem was taken care of but obviously I'm mistaking.

How long after new oil is put in should I wait for troubleshooting? There was new oil put in around a week ago.. could it be overfilled? Should I give it a month or so and check again? Lemme know guys. :shrug:
I had a couple issues with my diff leaking as well. It can be a pain in the ass. The most important thing to remember is to torque the bolts correctly. If you over or under torque them it will most likely leak. I used RTV rather than a gasket with my Mac cover, torqued the bolts in a crossing pattern and haven't had any leaks since.

Well, just got back from AutoZone, bought some RTV and put it around the lower half of the gasket seal so hopefully this will stop the leak (if I even had one). Thanks for the help guys.
