smoothing engine bay


Mar 11, 2010
Im going to smooth out under my hood. Got a couple questions, 1. when you weld the holes up do you pit sheet metal behind the holes to weld to? Or do you just spot weld and fill them. 2. When all is welded and ground down can i just use bondo to fill? Thanks guys. And is there any threads of people step by steps?
seems a bit pricey when you just weld in a cover plate. I guess that would be more work then welding and grinding. But smokedya did it in a one car garage and it came out beautiful
If i do the apron's..what should i do behind them? To prevent moisture and rust...?

They may already have been taken care of. But if not then just a good paint on them would help out. If you get a lot of moisture where you are at then may por15 but that can get expensive. As long as you have a good barrier like paint then you shoud be good.
yea think of it as a replacement panel. They are meant to just cover your aprons. Say you got in a accident and the apron got all mangled up, you would completely replace the apron. In your case, you are just replacing it to get rid of the holes. As a body man and have done three engine bays, I would highly recommend replacing the aprons to clean up the engine bay, it will save you so much time!

Well, ill take your word for it. Im gonna order them this week. Ill post pics to see what ya guys think. Talk to you later!
Wow if they are really replacements and not just covers let me know. Be crazy to go through the work to weld all the holes when you can get those for $150 for both sides.

I'll be ordering mine asap if they are nice. Let us know if you don't care!!!