The 393 is Alive!


Just wanted to give an update on my project.

The 393 is in and running very nicely :banana:

The rest of this week and weekend I'll be finishing up the exhaust, brakes, shifter linkage. Should be driving by the end of the weekend.

Big John
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It's a 351w Street Dominator, I picked it up from Dave :nice: It should be fine until I can change my heads, then it will end up being the restriciton.

Mitch, it sounds incredible. right now it is just headers and a few feet of down pipe :D I am very impressed with the rough idle from the cam, iof deffinitly will not be a sleeper. With my solid motor mounts the whole car shakes very nicely :nice:

Still hoping by the end of the weekend it will be on the road :D

Big John
Maiden Voyage :nice:

Took the car out for a few laps around the block tonight. Everything was working perfectly :banana:

Now just to finish some body work and my baby is complete. I am so pumped now! After just over a year of being parked she is alive once again :D

Big John
john you should give me a call saturday after noon. im free for most of the day. I do need to fix my rear brake cylinder in the wagon cause its leaking. but maybe if we can put are minds and hands together we can make more happen in less time.