The Ole Trusty Taco Bell

I dont eat all this at once, but this is what I usually get:

Steak Nachos bellgrande or Supereme
Big beef mexi melt with meat and cheese only
Steak mexi melt
Mexican pizza
Steak bowl with Zesty sauce is the ****!!!!!!
And occasionally those apple ampinada(sp?) things.
Large Mtn Dew

God bless TACO BELL without them i'd probably starve.
if you think taco bell kicks ass, here in raleigh there is what i guess is a chain called Qdoba, it is like the subway of mexican food, they have all the ingredients right there in front of you and you choose and they make it, and all the ingredients are fresh, it kicks taco bells ass X2000000. Thinking about it makes me hungry right now

WOW, I've heard of the bright white light and it's a Mexican Buffet huh?