That's 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year (let's assume he took at least 2 weeks vacation, since he is European), for 10 straight years. That doesn't leave a lot of time to keep a full-time job and live a normal life.
As he said it took him a total of 15 years including drawings to build the car and it's NOT an R/C car! It actually is a smaller version of the real car. If only to find a person small enough. I bet it would be a blast! lol.
George you are the mechanical Type. Why don't you build us a small scale Fox Body Saleen with a working Vortech supercharged 302, and polished intake. Hey, and don't forget to make floor mats.
I think I know who could drive a car that small. Don't forget the guy that visits these forums occasionally to make trouble? You know the one I'm talking about.LOL
I try to forget about little bugs like that Randy. Anyway as for making the engine, I'd absolutely love to take on the challenge, if I could only find 15 years of free time now! LOL.
That site is cool. I've seen that site before and posted it someplace at one time. I guess this guy took it to the next level and did more then just build the engine, he built the entire car down to the transmission and operating turn signals. The car could be driven legally on the street if only to find a person small enough.