Top 10 chick cars...

helty said:
he's been busting my balls about them for a while now, its all good natured. He even busted my **** about the black bullitts I want to get.

I guess my "flaw" is that I prefer GO before show, hence the reason I still have the stock 5-spokes.

yeah me too, show comes last for me.

I just think it's funny when people argue over taste items like wheels.

Crzyhrse said:
A chick driving a 6 banger Mustang is cool, but every once in a while I see a chick driving a GT. That's hot. (If she is'nt butt ugly)

you know what my girlfriend likes to do when she is driving the GT and some ricer trys to race her ( happens a LOT she says) or if they rev at her at a stoplight.

she holds one hand over her mouth and points at the ricers car with the other hand and laughs

she said they get PISSED when she does that.. LOL I think I would find a hole to crawl into if a 100 pound redhead girl in a car better than mine laughed at me when I tryed to act cool.
I would have to say that the V6 mustang is the biggest chick car! Everywhere you look there is a girl driving one. My girlfriend drives a dodge neon, I keep telling her to get an SRT-4 so we can race.
Chick cars in my city are:
V6 Mustangs : MAJOR, definately nearly the winner
Cavaliers and sunfires: DEFINATELY the winner
Civics: a few
VWs: alot
Trackers and hyundai accents/tiburons/excels: alot
Mustang GTs: one that i know of, and she has VD... dont ask me how i know (just kidding)

oh and dont forget about the jacked up trucks that have stickers like "angry bitch" on the back, alot of those too.

#1 gay guys car: Miata.
Chicks with dicks drive camaro's.

Once saw this hottie driving a yellow v6'r looked almost just like my GT. Pulled right next to her at the gas station. Gave her a look and got a smile. If only I were single, that could have been a great conversation starter.