VIBRATION!!! Please help!


New Member
Feb 23, 2008
I have an 06 GT, it came with stock 17" wheels, I recently bought Helo Torque 5 wheels and some Nexen N7000 tires, they came to me already mounted and balanced, or so it seemed, once I installed them I had a vibration through out the car, not just in the steering wheel, so I went to a trusted shop and had them rebalanced and discovered that where I bought them from had only added 1 row of weights down the center inside of the wheel. The trusted shop then rebalanced them and went with 2 rows of weights on the inside of the wheel.

After all this and having the trusted shop re balanced twice by them (total of three times for re balance) I STILL HAVE A VIBRATION IN THE STEERING WHEEL!!
Now it just seems to be in the steering wheel.
The vibration seems to get stronger at about 30-35 until about 80mph.

What am I missing? What else can I do?
I would lift the car and spin the wheels by hand to see if they are spinning true. No up and down motion and no side to side motion. This would a good place to start as you can balance wheels and tires until your blue in the face, but if they are not running true on the car for whatever reason you will always have a vib.

Keep us posted
I have done that and they seem to be good. I thought about having the shop test the alignment, but trying to get more info before I spend more money. Once I get this figured out I will post how it was resolved.
Another thing to try and if your shop has the equipment is to have them spin the front wheels up while on the car. Back in the day I used this method to pinpoint problem vibrations. You can also balance front wheels on the car as well. It really is a process of elimination until you can narrow it down. Patience is the one thing that really helps here.
I don't understand, do you mean have just the wheels (no tires on the rims) and have that balanced? or just lift the car up allowing all wheels to spin, I have had the car up where the wheels can spin and we eye balled them for about an hour and didn't see anything. (spinning the wheels and watching to see if the wheels are off kilt)
What it that? What does it do different? I have never heard of anything like that.
What does it measure?

I am assuming that only a custom wheel shop would have one of those right?
It's the best wheel/tire balancer out there. It takes all of the skill out of balancing a tire. It's hard to mess up balancing a tire with one since it tells you exactly what to do and where. Here's a FAQ page from their website to explain it a little more. I think you can find out where they have them in your area on their website, too. A lot of wheel & tire places have them. Just call and ask what kind of balancers they use.
WOW Thanks NastyStang113!!!
This is a really big help. This is why I use this forum!!! I love how you can ask any question about mustangs and eventually find some to at least assist in solving the problem or eliminate it all together!!

I did locate about 8 of them near me and I will call one tomorrow and see if I can't take it buy on my lunch and get it fixed.

Again thank you. I will re post once I get it in there and let everyone know what it was.
It's not for sure going to fix the problem but it's your best option. These cars are susceptible to vibrations, that's why Ford used a 2 piece driveshaft. It's also why you hear about so many cars getting vibrations from one piece driveshafts and wheels and tires. I hope it works !!
What I was getting at is that you can have your front wheels balanced the same way large trucks do, on the vehicle. Doing it this way you can take any vib that might be present in the whole rotating assembly out. Road force balancer are also great because they will expose tires that have a lot of belt overlap that could cause a uneven transfer of of road force through the vehicle.

Good luck.
Thanks CPman, I contacted my local shop with the Hunter balance machine and it will be done on my next day off Thursday, I will post the results then. I will also mention the balance that you suggested for the big trucks to see if I can eliminate the problem.