
Jun 21, 2004
I just wanted to let everyone know that gas is suppose to jump 30 cents midnight tonight Go fill up your cars now so the gas companies dont make as much money. My step brother knows a guy that works at a gas station and he told me this, but I hope I am wrong and it doesnt rise. Someone do me a favor and pass it on to the rest of the forum like 4.6 talk and Svt talk. Man I hate these stupid gas companies
Hey I never knew we had a NYMEX futures trader on Stangnet!!!! (tjmaxx). If so i would like to ask you some questions about my portfolio......Why don't you ****** about the government that taxes more than $0.40 per gallon. They make more in taxes on gas than the oil companies profit.

Devil's Advocate: The government has to put so much tax on gas to try and keep comsumption down. It sucks, but at least it will delay the exhaustion of oil.
I hope gas dosent go to like 5 bucks a gallon by the end of the summer like its said to, ill be filling up 2 gallons at a time every day, and wont be doing much driving. :headbang: either way this sucks.

Dont forget besides Government Taxes, there are State, and Local Taxes added in, there was a sign up at a gas station that had it all broken down, it was pretty cool. It seems like the Government wants to stop Capitalism, next thing you know they will pull a Jimmy Carter and put price caps on and cause a major shortage! We need some new refineries in this Country and the ability to drill Off Shore and in Alaska.
hey, since I'm such a gay-bag and I can't get a another bike, I bought a 91 civic, 1.5 liters of FURY and a 5-speed!!! I get like 50 miles per gallon on this hog! It even came with a hole in the muffler, which I will replace with the Folgers can as soon as I finish it! Then it will be MAD-TYTE DAWG!
wild86stang said:
Devil's Advocate: The government has to put so much tax on gas to try and keep comsumption down. It sucks, but at least it will delay the exhaustion of oil.

If you believe that, I have some ocean front property in Arizona I would love to sell you.

I sense someone who understands supply and demand economics. In a world market, high bidder wins (this is also true with oil and gas). These oil companies are out to make as much money as they can. It is their job to please their stockholders. Gov't taxes aren't to stop Capitalism, they are so all these Senators and Congressmen can have every whim of their heart for working a few hours a week.

In the end, when living in a Capitalist society, you vote with your wallet. You want to affect the price of gas, conserve-which increases supply/lowers demand, and prices will come down.

So simple yet so hard to do . Even though many many fox body 8cyl stangs are almost as fuel efficient as a modern 4 or 6 cyl.