wild86stang said:
Devil's Advocate: The government has to put so much tax on gas to try and keep comsumption down. It sucks, but at least it will delay the exhaustion of oil.

Exhaustion of oil......

Keep believing the propaganda!! If the tree huggers would stop the , oil companies could drill here in the US and this "problem" would somewhat go away.
Call "shenanigans" all you want. Blame it on China and India. With China/India becoming more industrialized (aka all those billions of Chinese/Indian people putting away bikes and driving cars) millions of barrels (1 barrel = 42 gallons) of oil supply is taken off the market while increasing demand = higher prices for the rest of the world. Don't get me wrong, oil companies are making huge amounts of money, but they have little to do with the prices. Supply/demand and traders in the NYMEX set the prices.

True...but SHENANIGANS!!!
5.0 con-vert said:
True...but SHENANIGANS!!!
I will say another thing. "Shenanigans" as well, but why don't you all make some money off the oil companies in the form of buying stock?? That way at least you recoup some of your lost money due to gas prices. Shoot look and Chevron/Exxon and the like, they make billions, but give out ~$2/share (in a dividend)that someone owns. So if you own a couple hundred shares, there a few hundred dollars for you. Right back in your pocket. That is on top of stock appreciation. It doesn't help much, but something is better than nothing.

Oh I do actually. I have had stock in Valero for about a year. I actually make money off the deal. The problem is that most of the people that are really hurting because of gas prices are either unable to afford the stock, which isnt cheap right now, or just dont have the know how on investing. I think the bigger problem is that the oil companies posted record PROFITS this year after saying they were just covering costs. This pissed off alot of people including myself. I'm not flaming you since you are one of the few people who took the high road and made the best of the situation
tjmaxx said:
True but I would feel like a trader or something
Don't feel like a trader for making sound fiscal decisions.
Also don't forget the many years that these big bad oil companies couldn't hardly make money on a barrel of oil and shut in production. Oil prices have crashed before, and they probably will again. That industry is very cyclical in nature.
As for gas prices, all you can do is conserve and vote/not vote with your wallet.
Personally I would be thankful that all alot of us have to complain about is the price of gas. Lots of folks around the world have it much worse than we do regardless of $3 gasoline.

My other sound fiscal decision was buying a 1.5liter honda civic to tool around on for the commuter runs. I drink more coffee on teh way to work than my car burns gas!
Sorry but china and india didnt sprout a billion people overnight. If it was because of that the price increase wouldve been gradual and not change 30 times a day. Its all horse****. Why is that all the oil companies are suddenly making record profits?
Well it would be nice if they would drop the prices which I am sure we wont see for a while, but who knows. I drive a 96 Nissan that gets 30 miles to the gallon so everytime I look at a Mustang to buy it kinda gets to me that I will only be getting 18mpg. So now a Mustang has to be my second car.
You are 100% right. They didn't sprout a billion people overnight, but 99.8% of them also didn't drive cars for the last 100 years either. Now that they are getting industrialized, cars are being driven vs bicycles ridden, and taking energy off the market. If you pay attention to the oil price it has been creeping up for the last few years. This sudden spike in oil price is mainly due to uncertainty in the market (wars, crazies as head of state, hurricanes) and the traders are trading with this uncertianty in mind. If you really look at oil companies profits, they are records because they are making record amounts of oil (and they still can't keep up with demand). Their actual unit profit has gone down due to increased costs. Sure they are making money hand over fist. That is their job. If you ran a business, you would be doing the same. Like I said, watch and the oil price will fall again, and the oil companies will lose money, lots of folks will lose their jobs, but noone will complain then. Except for those who are jobless. It will all come full circle.

honestly, that's ridiculous. how can you blame it on china developing when they've been devoloping for the PAST 30 YEARS!!!!? if you were to draw a graph of the gas prices you would be seeing spikes in the increase of gas prices. if it REALLY was because of china, it would be a more steadier slope, but it's not. and OPEC sets the prices.

dont compare the united states to europe. that is comparing apples to oranges. their entire transportation system is different. also they pay per litre, not per gallon, like us.
Spent over $30 for the first time on a tank of gas the other day for the 'Stang. The fact that I only fill up with about 10 gallons at a time on average helps soften the pain in my wallet, but dropping that much dough for a tank kinda puts the hurt on things. I've been having to trade off beer money for gas money, as of late ... and I'd honestly rather have the beer, but it won't get me to/from work, unfortunately.

Anyone else (besides myself) considering downsizing their rear gear ratio from 4.10's to 3.73's or smaller to minimize the misery-per-gallon pains? If I had room in the driveway, I'd already have a Geo Metro or some crapbox for my daily driver ... and I'm giving very serious consideration to picking up a cheap motorcycle (and getting my M certification on my license). Let's seeeeeeee ... crash safety or cheaper fuel costs? Hmmmmm...