1991vert said:
dont compare the united states to europe. that is comparing apples to oranges. their entire transportation system is different. also they pay per litre, not per gallon, like us.
You are right, their transportation system is different. They have much more public transportation, and their population densities are much greater. And what do they pay per litre? I would wager ~$2+ per. So what would you rather pay? $2 per litre or $3 per gallon? Maybe these gas prices will spur investment in public transportation. Something America is way behind on in the first place.......

Couldnt have said it better myself! Also the Government causes supply problem by having so many different BLENDS of gasoline for different parts of the Country, all it takes is for 1 of those blends to get low and the price will jump! We should cut down to maybe 5 different blends and that will help with some price spikes!
Later today, I will be mass hypnotizing every man, woman, and child, to stay home from work next week and not go anywhere. No work, no bill paying, no nothing, for one whole week. The streets will completely empty and the only gas that will be used will be the gas necessary to heat homes. Don't do anything stupid during this week because there will be no ambulance or policeman to come save you. You will have to rely upon your neighbors for the week.

This country (all countries for that matter) are completely incapable of agreeing upon, much less pursuing, any course of action to effect a change.

The gas companies are getting fat (some dude made 200Million over the last year and that was just his take home cut) and we're taking it in the ass.

Don't be looking to the government to solve this issue. They're as impudent as the rest of us. The talking heads will sit around and spin tales of crusadership and promise to take action but it's all talk... I can't really remember the last time a branch of government in this country actually accomplished anything. They spin around like tops making it LOOK like they might... but then peter out and all is the same come morning.

So anyway... back to my plan! One whole week of sticking it to the gas companies, sticking it to the government, and sticking it to the towel heads. If I don't get what I want, I'll mass hypnotize everyone for another week, every other week until it's fixed! Fire up the charcoal grills folks! You're all about to get some time off!

Since as a society, we're incapable of governing ourselves or effecting change, this course of action is all I can see to get a resolution. I'd considered putting contracts out on all gas company CEOs but they're a dime a dozen with lots of little bobble head clones waiting behind them to fill the positions. They're completely interchangeable with any man, woman, or child on the street and no skill whatsoever is required to do what they do. You can see how contracts would again, only end up costing the consumer. hehe
Well said.
Actually ExxonMobil's CEO made $500 plus million $673 million comes to mind for some reason.
I agree. We as citizens are the only ones that can effect this needed change.
well I didnt read the whole thread but I thought I would add this. A Very large oil and gas refinery (which is only 45 minutes west of where I live) blew up yesterday, and from what Im told it could take them a long time before they have it up and going again. So gas prices around here, and maybe everywhere, may suck for a while.
the major problem is with our refineries and the hippies wont let us build anymore. There is plenty of oil in the ground, and we get most of ours from Venezuala, Mexico, and Canada. Blame our government and opec for screwing us in the bum once again.
My boss got an e-mail from someone he knows who actually had a pretty smart idea. There are a lot of people and ideas floating around that say, "Don't buy gas on a certain day..." etc. Well, we all know that's not going to happen, people need to go places that they can't walk to. But this friend of my boss suggested that everyone just boycott the big companies like Chevron, Exxon, and Unocal 76. They are the big dogs in the fight and are the ones that basically set the prices. If you buy from the smaller companies just trying to keep up, then they won't raise their prices because they are making more money than ever and the big dog's will lower their prices to get the business back. Which in turn, the little guys will lower to keep their new found wealth.

Think of it like parts for your mustang. If you could buy wheels for $100.00 a set from a small company, why would you pay 6-800 for the same thing from a bigger company? If everyone bought from the smaller company, then the big guys would come down to closely match the little guy. Of course they will never beat the price, but they will get closer and expect a little more money for reputation.

It's about supply and demand yes, but it's just as much about competition between oil companies.
I find one major error with your statement.....
Most gas stations regardless of company logo exhibited outside are independently owned and operated. These "jobbers" as the oil and gas industry call them buy gas and add their respective brands additives to that bulk gas (all gasoline is essentially the same).
With that said, the store owners DO NOT make money on their gas (maybe a cent or two per gallon). Lots actually lose money on every gallon just so they can get customers (us) in the door to buy soda, chips, etc. where thy make most all of their money.
By boycotting big label stations you may have unintended consequesnces of actually hurting the little man that owns them because he pedals "big oil" gasoline.
Some stations are big oil owned and operated, some are not. Ask before you buy. They will tell you if they are independent and buy accordingly.