What is that thing...

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I take it this is not a joke, yes? :shrug:

If not, then you probably mean the inlet tube that runs from the throttle body, which is attached to your "pony", down the passenger side of the motor, into the MAF, which has the airbox attached to the front side with the air filter inside, and then a rubber snorkle that runs into the fenderwell.

Is this what you are referring to? Mine probably looks different than yours, but is this what you mean?

BrightBlue00GT said:
I take it this is not a joke, yes? :shrug:

If not, then you probably mean the inlet tube that runs from the throttle body, which is attached to your "pony", down the passenger side of the motor, into the MAF, which has the airbox attached to the front side with the air filter inside, and then a rubber snorkle that runs into the fenderwell.

Is this what you are referring to? Mine probably looks different than yours, but is this what you mean?


How is the Kenne Bell holding up in the Land of the Morning Calm.

BTW, send Soju
Sol!d Snake said:
Its like a big shell... Its under the hood. the tube comes from where the pony starts.

No, Solid Snake is supposed to have a Cobra. Why would there be a pony on the Cobra's intake manifold?

You need lessons in teh posering.
cmb91LX said:
solid, this must be your new car, another blown blue car :rlaugh:
Ok, I'm lost... old and lost. What did I miss? I bought this car stock in Feb 2000, shipped it here to where I'm stationed, have performed 100% of the mod installs and maintenance myself AND all of them over here in Korea using the US Postal Service for shipping (FEDEX for the KB) and it's the ONLY Bright Blue Mustang in this country. For that matter, I don't know how many KB blown BB's are in the states considering this color was discontinued in 2000.

So, what is it about "another blown blue car I am missing?