What's a good price on getting rear end gears installed??

Do you want all of your bearings replaced? (answer yes to this one )

I was quoted 2 weeks ago at $375 proffesionally... will I pay that much? NOPE~!

W/o bearings I was quoted $225
A place here in Charleston quoted me $700-$800. I got this quote from a shop that works on a lot of Stangs in this area. So I guess they are overpriced huh? Needless to say my gears are still stock. I thought I heard they were about $300-$400.
I paid 300 flat for everything and I supplied everything except gear oil and something to seal the differential cover with. It was 275 for gears put in, trac lok rebuild, then some more for the gear oil, and they charged me 10 bucks to put the new speedo gear in. I could've done the speedo gear myself, but when I was spending that much anyway, whats 10 bucks when the car was in the air when I'd have to put the car on stands (before my dads shop was finished and we got lifts, woo!) drag the tools out, and pop it out myself. And Murphys law applies to me anyway. I think I have more trouble doing work on my car than anyone else. People do an intake swap in an afternoon, it took me 3 days working a few hours a day just to get it swapped. Even though once I got the tps and timing finally dialed in it worked fine.

EDIT: And the money spent was worth it, as there have been absolutely no problems with my rear end, even though I kinda sorta voided my warranty lol. I didn't heat cycle my bearings lol, I left the shop wide open grabbing 2nd as I couldn't stand not to feel the difference.