k guys got my oil changed at jiffy lube today, full synthetic. they said when i came in i was 1 1/2 low, i couldnt believe it, i guess my rear main seal is leaking, he also said that somewhere above the oil filter, maybe the valve covers, maybe even a blown head gasket.. i dont want to leak oil. i have no money to keep pouring it into my car, i am so depressed, its like one thing after another with my car, i love it but dammit. where do you think i am leaking from and how much do you think i am leaking, and is it safe to be driving around. also mind you i have a supercharger on a stock block. maybe that has something to do with it, but man i am depressed. i have been saving money for a system in my car, and i wont even have that if i need to repair this crap. he also said i might be leaking from my oil pan(gasket?) well i had a quote on replacing my rear main seal, maybe 400-450, but while the pan is off anyway they might as well replace that gasket, i would do it myself but i dont have the time, resources, or the place to do it.