Who has a tube for a C&L 73mm lying around?


Founding Member
Sep 9, 2000
Antelope Valley, SoCal
Two weeks later I'm still sorting out bugs in my new setup. I just got new O2 sensors because one of my old ones would rattle when you shake it(and cause the comp to throw a code 41) and then it ran 100% better, almost stock but with alot more power. Later I put 24lb injectors in also and what I think is a 24lb calibration tube for my 73mm C&L. I say "think" because my meter came with it(used) and was determined to NOT be a 19lb tube, which I needed at the time. I got the right tube and kept this one. My problem is now the car has a real bad miss like a plug wire is off(and just so you know, it isnt). The only change was 24lbers and the tube. I suspect that either an injector is bad(used set off Ebay) or I have the incorrect sampling tube. I'll run a cylinder balance test tomorrow to see if its the injectors.

The tube on the other hand I've been trying to ID for a year or more and no one seems to be be able to offer a striaght answer. It has no color marks at all, but does have a sticker with a number on it. I dont have it in front of me right now but I think its ????-123 if that helps. If someone can measure the front and back air hole dimensions with something accurate like dial calipers, that would be a great help too.
well, I dont have time to measure right now, but I remember that the 24# sample tube is the same size from front to back while the 19# tube has both sides at a different diameter, cant remember which side (front or back) being the bigger and smaller. hope this helps.
Well, the 19lb tube I took out had the same diameter hole all the way through and the suspected 24lb tube I put in has a larger opening at the front(angle cut) than the back. I see you have a 73mm and 24lb injectors, so I guess you would know. I'm beginning to think my 24lb tube may actually be a 30 or 36.
WAIT WAIT!! my bad, i messed up. Im looking at the sample tube right now and the 19# tube has the same size going through it all the way through. The diameter of the 19# tube is 9/16th of an inch. Hope this helps and my advice didnt mess anything up before.
Dont worry, you didnt trip me up or anything. I'm the one that does all the messing up around here....

Good news and bad news.

The bad news is I'm an idiot.

The good news is the really bad miss that got me thinking I had the wrong tube wasnt caused by the tube at all.......the injector right under the TB/EGR of the upper intake wasnt plugged in. I plugged it back in and it runs beastly now. More power and sound than ever before.