Will road salt ruin my rims?

Salt will wreak havoc with all of the metal on your car, particularly the aluminum. Chromed steel will hold up better than aluminum, but it will still corrode and look like hell. The intake plenum, alternator, and brackets will be hit particularly hard.

Even though I have lived all my life down here in the south by the coast, my sister has lived in Vermont for 25 years and when she comes down to visit, I usually do a detail job on her Escort. This car has factory aluminum rims with clear coat and the clear has been eaten away from years of salt corrosion. Get some cheap winter rims and , better yet; try buying an old beater car for winter and/or work duty.

That's what I would do too...(get a beater for the winter and garage the stang)
Just make sure you put some good snow tires on them if you can. I have a set of 2 month old bullits with 2 month old blizzaks on them, but am thinking of selling them because won't snow much here in Cincinnati, OH.