Window problem on convert


New Member
Jun 14, 2004
My wifes 99 GT has a problem with the pass side door window. Every time the window is rolled up or the door is closed, the window stay outside of the top on the rear corner. If you open and slam the door then it is ok, but we do not like to slam doors. If you press the window after it is up and the door is closed then it will pop under the top but other wise the top reaer four inches or soo stay outside the top.
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jpratt said:
My wifes 99 GT has a problem with the pass side door window. Every time the window is rolled up or the door is closed, the window stay outside of the top on the rear corner. If you open and slam the door then it is ok, but we do not like to slam doors. If you press the window after it is up and the door is closed then it will pop under the top but other wise the top reaer four inches or soo stay outside the top.

Sounds like the top needs adjusting...
OK, where can I find out how to adjust the top then? The top seems to fit everywhere but on the pass window. The rear pass window fit excatly where it is supposed to. With the top down and both pass windows up, they line up excatly.
I had this very problem on my 2000 vert -- the problem was with the glass, it is held in place with glue - yes, glue. The glue dries out with time and the piece of glass comes loose and that is why it hit the top. They took out the glass, reglued it into the brackets and it's been fine and sits where it's supposed to.